Collaborative Practice Centre
Transforming health through collaboration
The Collaborative Practice Centre is a catalyst for collaborative practice in our health care system, equipping current and future teams for person-centred care and improved health outcomes.
A vision for the future
Why do we need interprofessional education and collaborative practice?
- Inconsistent patient and health consumer journeys and outcomes
- A global health workforce crisis emphasised by retention issues and burnout
- A fragmented, inequitable and inefficient health care system
- Shifting regulation requiring collaborative practice ready graduates and health care workers
And an indisputable evidence base that interprofessional education and collaborative practice makes a difference.
How the CPC will support collaborative practice
Our curriculum
We aim to develop students who are "ready to collaborate" with patients, families, communities and other health professionals.
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Our scholarship
We actively contribute to national and international collaborative practice innovation and dissemination through research projects, grants, awards, conference presentations and publications.
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Our partners
Our work is grounded in co-design. We partner with people with lived experience, communities, and health organisations to embed collaboration as a strategy for improving outcomes.
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Our team
From around the world and across many health backgrounds, meet the the CPC team.
Latest news
The Collaborative Practice Centre is actively involved in contributing to national and international learning and teaching best practice through research projects, grants, awards, conference presentations and publications.
Bolton, J., Remedios, L., & Andrews, S. (2023). Enriching research practices through knowledge about Indigenous research methodologies. Focus on Health Professional Education: A Multi-Professional Journal, 24(2), 163–175.
Clement, T., Bolton, J., Griffiths, L., Cracknell, C., & Molloy, E. (2023). 'Noticing' in health professions education: Time to pay attention?. Medical education, 57(4), 305–314.
Bearman M, Ajjawi R, Denniston C, Molloy E, Castanelli D, Watling C (2023). Meaning making about performance: a comparison of two specialty feedback cultures. Medical Education
Ajjawi R, Bearman M, Molloy E, Noble C (2023): Feedback and underperformance in clinical education. Frontiers in health professions education (accepted March 2023)
Molloy E, Noble C, Hu, W (2022). Learner critical self-appraisal as a component of feedback literacy: Realistic when the chips are down? Editorial. Focus on Health Professions Education, 23 (3): 1-5
Paxino, J, Molloy E, Denniston C, Woodward-Kron R (2022). Dynamic and distributed exchanges: An interview study of interprofessional communication in rehabilitation. Disability and Rehabilitation.
Clement T, Molloy E, Howard D, Lyon E (2022): "Using a logic model to evaluate a novel video-based professional development activity for general practice clinical educators" Teacher Development, 2022
Moroney T, Gerdtz M, Brockenshire N, Maude P, Weller-Newton J, Hatcher D, Molloy L, Williamson M, Woodward-Kron R, Molloy E (2022) Exploring the contribution of clinical placement to student learning: A sequential mixed methods study. Nurse Education Today.
Castanelli D, Molloy E, Weller J, Bearman M (2022) Trust, power, and learning in workplace-based assessment: the trainee perspective. Medical Education. 56 (3): 280-291 doi: 10.1111/medu.14631
Castanelli D, Molloy E, Weller J, Bearman M (2022) How Trainees Come to Trust Supervisors in Workplace-Based Assessment: A Grounded Theory Study. Academic Medicine DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000004501
Satur J, Forsyth C, Bolton J (2021). Joining the dots: A dental Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural safety curriculum. The University of Melbourne Dental School for the Australasian Council of Dental Schools.
Tai J, Bearman M, Gravett K, Molloy E (2021). Exploring the notion of teacher feedback literacies through the Theory of Practice Architectures. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education
Johnson C, Keating J, Congdon P, Farlie M, Kent F, Molloy E (2021) "Testing, analysis and refinement of the Feedback Quality Instrument: A guide for health professional educators in fostering learner-centred discussions" BMC Medical Education 21, 382
Kemp C, Vanherwerden L, Molloy E, Kleve S, Bribmlecombe J, Reidlinger D, Palermo C (2021) How do students offer value to organisations through work integrated learning? A qualitative study using Social Exchange Theory. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 1-19
Henderson, M., Ryan, T., Boud, D., Dawson, P., Phillips, M., Molloy, E. & Mahoney, P. (2021). The usefulness of feedback. Active Learning in Higher Education.
O’Regan S, Molloy E, Watterson L, Nestel D (2021) “It is a different type of learning”. A survey-based study on how simulation educators see and construct observer roles. BMJ Simulation & Technology Enhanced Learning.
Russell J, Baik C, Ryan A and Molloy E (2020) Fostering self-regulated learning in higher education: Making self-regulation visible. Active Learning in Higher Education. 10.1177/1469787420982378
Ryan A, Hatala R, Brydges R, Molloy E (2020). Learning With Patients, Students, and Peers: Continuing Professional Development in the Solo Practitioner Workplace. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. 10.1097/CEH.0000000000000307
Paxino J, Molloy E, Denniston C, Woodward-Kron R (2020). Communication in interprofessional rehabilitation teams: a scoping review. Disability and Rehabilitation (IDRE)
Molloy E, Boud D, & Henderson M. (2020). Developing a learning-centred framework for feedback literacy. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education. (4) 527-540
Molloy E, Denniston C, Ryan A, Hatala R (2020): The role of theory in understanding and improving work integrated learning in healthcare. In Nestel D, Reedy G, McKenna L, Gough S (2020) Clinical Education for the Health Professions: Theory and Practice. Springer, London (manuscript commissioned and under preparation).
Johnson C, Keating J, Watling C, Molloy E (2020) Verbal Feedback in Clinical Settings in Nestel D, Reedy G, McKenna L, Gough S (2020) Clinical Education for the Health Professions: Theory and Practice. Springer, London
Johnson C, Keating J, Molloy E (2020): Psychological safety in verbal feedback sessions in the workplace. Medical Education. 54 (6): 559-570
Clement T, Silverman J, Howard D, Lyon E, Molloy E (2020). “Video-triggered professional learning for General Practice trainers: Using the ‘cauldron of practice’ to explore teaching and learning” Education for Primary Care. 1-7.
Links M, Watterson L, Martin P, O’Regan S, Molloy E (2020): Finding Common ground: A meta-synthesis of communication frameworks within patient communication, supervision and simulation literature. BMC Medical Education (accepted Dec 2019).
Molloy, E., Boud, D., & Henderson, M. (2020). Developing a learning-centred framework for feedback literacy. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education. 45 (4) 527-540
Molloy E & Denniston C. (2019) The role of feedback in surgical education. Chapter 19 In D. Nestel, K. Dalrymple, J. Paige & R Aggarwhal (Eds.). Advancing surgical education: theory, evidence and practice; Springer.
Castanelli D, Weller J, Molloy E, Bearman M (2019). "Shadow systems in assessment: how supervisors make progress decisions in practice" Advances in Health Sciences Education. pp 1-17
Delany C and Molloy E (eds) (2018) Learning and Teaching in Clinical Contexts. Elsevier, Sydney.
Noble, C, Sly C, Collier L, Armit L, Hilder J, & Molloy E. (2019) “It’s yours to take”: generating learner feedback literacy in the workplace. Advances in Health Sciences Education doi 10.1007/s10459-019-09905-5
Castanelli D, Weller J, Molloy E, Bearman M (2019) "A balancing act: The supervisor of training role in anaesthesia education." Anaesthesia and Intensive Care. DOI: 10.1177/0310057X19853593. Pp 1-8
Bolton J & Andrews S (2018). "I learnt more than from any lecture": Indigenous space and place for teaching Indigenous health to Physiothearpy students. Physical Therapy Review 23 (1) 35-39.
Bolton, J., Cracknell, C., Ryan, A., Cheshire, L., Griffith, L., Dobson, F., Kefalianos, E., Phillips, L., Gerdtz, M., Hill, N., Harms, L., McAllister, A., Cochrane, A. (2023-2025). Funding of student placement coordinators and placement supports at tertiary education providers - Improving the quality and quantity of student placements in mental health and AOD settings. Department of Health Grant $748,000
Slade, S., Bolton, J,. Cracknell, C., McGrath, R (2023). #Navigating Health – Leading Patient-Centred Systems of Care in Advancing Health, 2030. Chancellery Learning and Teaching Initiative Grant, University of Melbourne. $35,000.
Lyons, K., Oliverira, E., Bolton, J., Dushyanthen, S., Bruno-Tome, A. (2023). Transforming Problems into App Prototypes – Healthcare Hackathon. Chancellery Learning and Teaching Initiative Grant, University of Melbourne. $35,000.
Keage, M., Weir, S., Stark, H., Payneter, C., Weir, K., Denniston, C. Virtue, D., Cham, K., Lim, M., Swann, S., Bolton, J. (2023). Lived experience and co-design in clinical practice degrees. Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry & Health Sciences Leanring and Teaching Seed Grant $10,000.
Keage, M., Weir, S., Cham, K., Denniston, C., Virtue, D., Lim, C., Swann, S., Bolton, J., Stark, H., Weir, K., Tarrant, B., (2023). Lived experience and co-design in clinical practice degrees. Melbourne Disability Institute Seed Funding $30,000.
Bolton, J., Crackenll, C., Wilcox, M., Asscher, E., McCarthy, T., Rane, V., Hill, N., Virtue, D., Denniston, C., Fraser, N. (2023). Healthy Conversations: Evaluating the effectiveness of a new interprofessional curriculum to improve collaborative communication between health professionals and people with disability. Melbourne Disability Institute Seed Funding $30,000.
Coleman, M., Cham, K., Yano, R., Sawamura, D., Hesegawa, N., Bolton, J. (2023). Interprofessional education to enhance collaborative care for healthy ageing. Chancellery Global Classroom Seed Grant $10,000.
Lysk, J., Bolton, J., Cracknell, C., Denniston, C., Dobson, F., Donald, K., Cheshire, L., Ng, L., Russell, M, Molloy, E., McKenzie, R. (2022). Collaboration, advocacy and interprofessional curriculum for students in physiotherapy, medicine and population health. University of Melbourne, FlexAP Funding $40,000
Noble C, Mandrusiak A, Sibbald M, Molloy E (2022) Developing feedback literacy to navigate interprofessional placement learning: a design-based research study. U21 Health Sciences Group Research Development Fund. $10, 000 pounds
McAllister A, Bolton J, Cracknell C, Molloy E, Ng, S, Brydges R et al (2022) Designing a critical pedagogy to challenge stigma among health professionals UoT/UoM Collaborative Grant, $10 000
Cham K, Ryan A and Molloy E (2022). Developing students’ evaluative judgements through promoting assessor and student dialogues. Learning and Teaching Initiatives Grant $28, 208
Prasad R, Noble C, Molloy E, et al (2022): Maximising the effects of feedback in regional emergency medicine. The Emergency Medicine Foundation (EMF) $9, 976
Molloy E, Cheshire L, Woodward-Kron R, Clement T, Clements T, Ryan A, Griffiths L el al (2022): Productive Feedback Conversations in Health Care. Learning and Teaching Innovation (Flex Ap) Grant, July 2022. $31,000
Bolton J, Cracknell C, Molloy E, Lee J, Tan M, Kefalianos E, Uahwatanasakul W (2022): Teddy Talk: Developing a new interprofessional curriculum focusing on communication skills with children to enhance health literacy and collaborative practice, Faculty Seed Grant-Learning and Teaching August 2022, $5000
Toukhsati S, Molloy E et al (2022): “Brave enough to be vulnerable? Exploring the intersection of disclosure, trust and learning in the GP supervisor-registrar alliance”. General Practice Supervisors Australia $23,000
Johnson C, Kent F, Keating J, Molloy E (2021): Department of Health Boosting our healthcare workforce initiative: Project funded ‘Feedback Booster Program’ $138, 199
Bolton J, Blow N, Molloy E (2021). A logic model evaluation of ‘ways of knowing’ in healthcare: A program designed to build cultural safety and collaborative practice. MDHS Diversity and Inclusion Grant.$25,000
Molloy E, Bolton J, Denniston C, Bridge N, Virtue D, Donald K, Tey C (2021). A Pedagogy for Professional Noticing for Collaborative Practice. Learning and Teaching Innovation Grant. The University of Melbourne. $30,000
Molloy E, Gray A, Tse J, Trumble S, Clement T, Vaughan B, Murphy J (2021). Boosting clinical supervision capacity across the health professions: A three-tiered professional development package for supervisors at St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne. Department of Health Funding successful for $106, 915 (100 CSO places, 40 clinicians through 5 PLCs, 5 full scholarships for Grad Cert Health Professions Education)
Molloy E, Bolton J, Hill N (2021). Developing feedback know-how’ Faculty MDHS Seed Funding. The University of Melbourne $5000
Bolton J, Blow N, Molloy E (2021). Exploring Pedagogies of Discomfort: A case study of Ways of Knowing in building understanding in First Nations Health and interprofessional education. ANZAHPE Education Research Grant. $5000
Molloy E, Clement T, Griffiths L, Bolte K, Denniston C, Wright J, Shea R (2021): Interprofessional Learning Communities for clinical placement supervisors as a means of building capability, capacity, and sustainability into rurally-based healthcare. Rural Health Multidisciplinary Training (RHMT) $10,000.
Molloy E, Paxino J, Story D, Szabo B, Marshall S, Murphy J (2021) Building capacity for interprofessional teamwork and feedback literacy in a crisis setting: A simulation-based education program for a deteriorating patient on the ward (SVHM) MMS Team-based care partnership seed fund $23,600
Cracknell C, Molloy E, Murphy J, Tse J Zordan R (2021) Student-Patient Partner in the Emergency Department as a mechanism to bolster comprehensive care (SVHM). MMS Team-based care partnership seed fund $22,500
Molloy E, Gray A, Tse J, Trumble S, Clement T, Vaughan B, Murphy J (2021): Boosting clinical supervision capacity across the health professions: A three-tiered professional development package for supervisors at St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne. Department of Health Funding successful for $106,915 (100 CSO places, 40 clinicians through 5 PLCs, 5 full scholarships for Grad Cert Health Professions Education).
Meiklejohn S, Bolton J & Donald K (2020). Whose role is it anyway? Developing professional identity through interprofessional education and practice. Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry & Health Sciences Learning & Teaching Seed Grant $5000
Bolton J, Andrews S, Blow N, Remedios L (2020). Teaching and learning together: Co-developing online interprofessional cultural safety training for MDHS staff and students. University of Melbourne Learning and Teaching Grant $24,000. Project Advisory Team: Associate Professor Lilon Bandler, Mr Alister Thorpe, Ms Madelyn Hudson-Buhagiar, Dr Sarah Meiklejohn, Dr Karen Donald, Associate Professor Anthea Cochrane, Naomi Norris
Leung C, Molloy E, Gray A (2019). Developing an interprofessional education intervention in a Hospital Outpatient Clinic (telehealth). MACH Education and Workforce Training Grant $80,000
Invited Presentations
Bolton, J & Blow N (2022). Ways of Knowing in Healthcare. IPE Keynote presentation: U21 Health Sciences Conference, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Molloy E (2021) The science of feedback in a competency based curriculum. Keynote speaker for the University of Toronto Medical Education Symposium. Dec 2021
Molloy E and Ajjawi R (2021) What individuals and institutions can do to improve feedback ANZAHPE Online Series August 2021
Molloy E (2021) The role of Intellectual Candour in disrupting educational rituals in the operating theatre. The Hamilton Russell Memorial Lecture. RACS Scientific Congress in Collaboration with the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre Melbourne, Australia 10-14 May 2021
Molloy E (2021) KIPRIME Fellow Keynote Developing learner feedback literacy: seeking, processing and using performance relevant information for the task, and beyond Karolinksa Institute Stockholm, Sweden October 2021
Blow N & Bolton J (2021) Embedding First Nations health into curriculum. Australian Council of Deans Community of Practice, December 2021
Satur J, Forsyth C & Bolton J (2021) Cultural safety curriculum in Australia. College of Oral Health Academics (COHA) 2021 Virtual Conference, University of Otago, Keynote presentation November 2021
Bolton J & Donald K (2021) Interprofessional Education Facilitator Training: Is wholly online a feasible model? Department of Medical Education Research Roundtable, University of Melbourne, November 2021
Molloy E (2020) Learner-Centred Feedback: what would it look like? Allied Health Clinical Education Forum Feedback and coaching to sustain learner centred practice. Brisbane, Nov 2020
Bolton J & Remedios L (2020) Indigenous health and Interprofessional Education and Practice Health Students Network: Building towards Allyship. Interprofessional Education and Practice Health Students Network Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
Molloy E (2019) Developing Expertise in the health workforce: recognising transitions and supporting conditions. Keynote at APA Conference, Adelaide, October 2019
Molloy E (2019) The Challenge of Learning in the Workplace. World Congress of Intensive Care Melbourne, Australia, October 2019.
Molloy E (2019) Interprofessional Education: Getting it right and keeping it right. Melbourne Academic Centre for Health Workplace Learning Symposium Melbourne, February 2019
Molloy E (2018) Trailblazing in work integrated learning. Keynote presentation. Allied Health Clinical Education Conference Queensland, Brisbane, 12th October 2018
Molloy E (2018) Rethinking feedback in the workplace. Keynote for Interprofessional education Conference, ACT . Canberra, 12th June 2018
Molloy E (2018) What Works? Perspectives on Feedback and Assessment. Keynote for the University of Adelaide’s Learning and Teaching Symposium, Adelaide, Friday 20th July 2018
Molloy E (2018) Empowering others to engage in feedback. Network of Critical Care Education Conference Friday 27th July, Melbourne
Bolton J (2018) Using the Discussion Board in a Curriculum Change. Scholarship of Learning and Teaching Symposium, School of Health Sciences, University of Melbourne invited speaker representing Department of Physiotherapy
Conference Research Presentations
Bolton, J., Blow, N., & Molloy, E. (2022). A Logic Model evaluation of ‘Ways of Knowing in Healthcare’: A Program designed to cultivate skills in cultural safety and collaborative practice. ANZAHPE Conference 2022.
Remedios, L., Bolton, J., Cracknell, C., & Lees, J. (2022). The Indigenous Allyship Assessment Framework: Navigating the Personal, Professional and Structural domains while learning. ANZAHPE Conference 2022.
Denniston C, Griffiths L, Molloy E (2021) Accessing student & academic perspectives to develop a framework to optimise work integrated learning across the health professions. ANZAHPE Conference 2021
Bearman M, Molloy E, Ajjawi R, Watling C, (2021) How evaluative judgement development varies between medical specialties. ANZAHPE Conference 2021
Satur J, Forsyth C & Bolton J (2021) Developing an Indigenous Oral Health Cultural Safety Curriculum for all Dental and Oral Health Programs in Australia. POCHE Indigenous Health Network 10th Annual Research Showcase, University of Sydney
Denniston C, Griffiths L, Molloy E (2020) Good WIL hunting: Developing standards for work integrated learning across a large health sciences faculty. ANZAHPE Conference, Oral presentation. Melbourne July 2020. Conference cancelled (pandemic)
Griffiths L, Molloy E, Denniston C (2020) Students’ perspectives on effective work integrated learning: Results of an interprofessional survey study. ANZAHPE Conference, Oral presentation. Melbourne July 2020. Conference cancelled (pandemic)
Bolton J, Remedios L, Andrews S, Blow N, Clements T (2020) Learning from Indigenous Place and Voice: An Interprofessional Learning Experience. Australian and New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators (ANZAHPE). Conference cancelled (pandemic)
Remedios L, Bolton J, Blow N, Clements T (2020) Actioning allyship in Indigenous health education: Acknowledging privilege and the associated (Dis)comfort. Australian and New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators (ANZAHPE). Conference cancelled (pandemic)
Cracknell C (2020) Using the Sustainable Development Goals, a model of immersion learning and interprofessional practice to develop global citizenship in health professional students. Australian and New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators (ANZAHPE). Conference cancelled (pandemic)
Osman F, Cracknell C (2020) Student clubs as a hidden resource for raising awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals. Australian and New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators (ANZAHPE). Conference cancelled (pandemic)
Bearman M, Ajjawi R, Tai J, Molloy E, Bennett S, Esterhazy R (2019) Examining the taken-for-granted in assessment and feedback. Research Symposium. ProPEL 2019 conference, Sydney.
Molloy E and Bearman M (2019). Intellectual Candour: Risks and Benefits for learners and teachers. ANZAHPE Conference, Canberra July, 2019 Watling C, Schrewe B, Ellaway R,
Molloy E (2019) Exploring transitions and context in workplace learning. Conference Workshop, CCME Niagara Falls, Canada, April 2019
Molloy E, Boud D, Henderson M (2019) The development of a student feedback literacy framework: implications for health professions education. Research Paper (oral) AMEE Conference, Vienna, Austria, August 2019
Molloy E, Woodward-Kron R, Lew S, Laverhome M, Dodds A, Hughson J (2018) More than another set of hands? Medical students’ contributions to healthcare through placement. AMEE Conference, Basel, Switzerland, oral presentation, August 2018.
Invited Panels
Bolton J (2023): Collaboration in healthcare. Invited Panel Discussion for the Dean's Impact Panel with Duckett S, Kilpatrick C, Slade S. Chair: Professor Jane Gunn.
Bolton J (2022): Allyship: Get up, Stand Up, Show Up. Invited Panel Presentation for Australian Physiotherapy Association Conference with Francis-Cracknell A & Morgan M (Chris Reynolds M & Potter K). Melbourne, Australia.
Molloy E (2021): Authentic learning: feedback know-how and noticing in collaborative care. MDHS Learning and Teaching Conference, Melbourne October 2021
Molloy E, Boud D, Carless D, Lipdavik A, Winstone N (2019): Research on Student Feedback Literacy: An international Panel. CRADLE International Research Symposium, Geelong, Oct 2019.
Molloy E (2019) Researching the Intersection of Workplace Learning and Diversity of Contexts in Clinical Training. Educational Research Symposium with Watling C, Schrewe B, Ellaway R (Bates absent) Canadian Conference on Medical Education (CCME), Niagara Falls, Canada, April 2019
2022: University of Melbourne Teaching Excellence Award for Excellence and Innovation in Indigenous Education: Ways of Knowing in Health Care Collaborative Leadership Team – Joanne Bolton, Dr Ngaree Blow, Madelyn Hudson-Buhagiar, Brooke Conley, Professor Elizabeth Molloy, Carolyn Cracknell, Donya Eghrari, Associate Professor Lilon Bandler, Dr Peter Carew, Professor Julie Satur, Jiangli Tan, Tamara Clements, Heather Buttigieg, Adi Lipscombe, Philippa Marriot, Jo Martin, Associate Professor Anthea Cochrane, Professor Louisa Remedios, Dr Jessica Stander, Dr Karen Donald, Associate Professor Christina Bryant, Sue Durham, Emma Barnard, Dr Nicole Hill, Dr Rebecca Waring Dr Samantha Byrne | Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences
2021: Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry & Health Sciences Award for Program Innovation: Ways of Knowing in Healthcare, a first year program focussing on Indigenous ways of knowing and interprofessional education and practice. Bolton J, Blow N, Molloy E, Hudson-Buhagiar M, Cochrance A, Remedios L, Donald K, Norris N, Clements T, Bandler L, Buttigieg H, Durham S, Carew P, Byrne S, Skeat J, Hill N, Eghrari D (2021).
2021: Dean's Fellowship for Learning and Teaching Excellence. Bolton J.
2019: Karolinska Institute Fellowship in Medical Education (KIPRIME) 2019. This fellowship, sponsored by the Gunnar Hoglund and Anna-Stina Malmborg Foundation, is designed to support outstanding researchers in medical education and included an intensive program in Stockholm, Sweden in November 2019. Molloy E.
Collaborative Practice Ready Curriculum Framework
Our Ways of knowing, learning and leading together for patient-centred care curriculum framework has four attributes that guide all learning and teaching IPE activities:
- Relational reflexivity
- Interprofessional communication
- Collaborative leadership
- Systems improvement
Within these are 12 programmatic learning outcomes that guide learner engagement.
The learning and teaching curriculum activities are integrated across three stages of students programs.
- Ways of knowing includes foundational concepts of cultural safety and collaborative practice during the early phases of programs
- Ways of learning allows for authentic simulation and a passport of work-based learning activities to apply foundations to real world contexts, and
- Ways of leading allows for the consolidation and extension of interprofessional leadership skills through a project
The following learning principles support the implementation of the curriculum:
- Carefully co-designed
- Embedded and programmatic
- Challenging and assessed
- Shared language and tools
- Interprofessional experiences
- Concurrent staff development
The Collaborative Practice Centre (CPC) was established as a formal entity in late 2023, aggregating and advancing a decade of local work on interprofessional practice in health care. The CPC provides the University of Melbourne’s Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences and its numerous health partners with leadership, high level implementation support, and research expertise into collaborative practice in health and social care.
Our team has experience in both private and public healthcare environments and comprises a diverse team of professionals from various health backgrounds including audiology, medicine, nursing, optometry, pharmacy, physiotherapy, psychology, and public health.
Watch the launch of the CPC below.
Launch of the Collaborative Practice Centre
Our Staff
Tina Brock
A pharmacist and social scientist by background, Tina is an educational activist who studies the transformative power of teamwork to improve health. Bolton
Jo is a health professions educator and physiotherapist with expertise in curriculum co-design and evaluation. Cracknell
Carolyn draws from her roles as an educator and physiotherapist, working collaboratively to design for authentic interprofessional learning experiences in the workplace. Eppich
Walter builds on his clinical background as a paediatric emergency doctor and studies the contribution of workplace talk and team interactions to collaborative learning and team performance. Mak
A pharmacist and educator, Vivienne is passionate about leveraging innovative educational technologies and advancing collaborative learning environments to drive positive change in healthcare education. Turner
Neville is a registered and practicing optometrist with 32 years experience in public eyecare as a practitioner, as well as holding operational and service development responsibilities. Large
Sarah is a proud Biripi Worimi woman and physiotherapist who is passionate about developing curriculum and systems to better address the health needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Bruno-Tomé
Dr Andreia Bruno-Tomé, pharmacist by profession, is a distinguished workforce specialist with 17 years of experience leading diverse, global teams comprising individuals from more than 50 nationalities. Cham
An optometrist by background, Kwang is a passionate healthcare educator who actively engages in the scholarship of learning and teaching to improve student engagement and learning. Eghrari
Donya is a researcher and a PhD student, learning and working across Centre for Health Policy (MSPGH) and Collaborative Practice Centre (MDHS) at the University of Melbourne. Ho
Denise, with an MBA and background in project management, has an interest in process improvements to enhance stakeholder experiences. Oldis
Meredith is a Clinical Psychologist with broad experience working across a range of mental health and alcohol and drug settings. She is keen to ensure the next generation of health practitioners are well equipped to forge rewarding careers in mental health and the broader health care sector. Connell
Thomas is a mental health accredited social worker with broad practice experience across several fields and sectors. Rayner
Vicky brings with her a background in both project management and research within the field of youth mental health. Paxino
Julia has a clinical background as a physiotherapist and is a healthcare researcher. She is passionate about shaping more effective interprofessional collaboration in healthcare. Practice Coordinators
Our collaborative practice co-ordinators hold shared roles in the CPC and the Departments of the Faculty. They are critical role in identifying opportunities and embedding our collaborative program across the faculty.
Peter Carew
A clinical audiologist by training, Peter builds on his background in tertiary education to support the development of individual and team collaborative practice in health. Allison
A physiotherapist by training, Kim is as a healthcare educator and researcher working to support integration of interprofessional curriculum across the School of Health Sciences. Durham
Sue has a background working in community mental health and education, especially experiential learning. She currently coordinates MSPGH public health work-based placements with a desire to increase collaborative practice opportunities for all health focused students. Romero
Vivian celebrates human-centred design thinking and focuses on participatory community education and engagement in public health. Jackman
Christine is an Emergency Physician and Medical Educator with a keen interest in curriculum design and evaluation. She is passionate about supporting the development of highly skilled healthcare professionals. Staff
Jonas Nordquist
Dr Nordquist is a medical educationalist and internal medicine physician and Senior Researcher at the Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.
Michael Fischer
I help leaders create collaborative workplace cultures, especially in healthcare. A Professor of Organisational Culture and Leadership, I have over 30 years’ experience as a strategic leadership coach, business school professor, and clinical director. I previously worked as a NHS consultant psychotherapist in Manchester, Liverpool and London.
Interprofessional Education and Practice Committee
Our work is supported by the Faculty's Interprofessional Education and Practice Committee. This group is comprised of staff and students representatives from throughout the Faculty, and meets bimonthly to guide and support all interprofessional education curriculum activities within the Faculty.
Contact the CPC
For any questions or opportunities to work with the Collaborative Practice Centre, please email us @
Telephone: (03) 9035 3955
Instagram: @cpc4health
Twitter (X): CPC4Health
LinkedIn: Collaborative Practice Centre
In addition to the Schools and Departments of the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, the Collaborative Practice Centre works closely with key partners and collaborators;
Melbourne Teaching Health Clinics
Our work with MTHC aims to embed collaborative practice in action across their network of student clinics.
Centre for Digital Transformation of Health
Work with the Centre for Digital Transformation of Health revolves around working with ealth professionals, clinicians, IT professionals, and interprofessional health students to tackle real-life problems in healthcare. A succesful two-day education event called “Transforming Problems to App Prototypes (TPAP) – Healthcare Hackathon” was held on November 18th and 19th of 2023.
“Thank you so much for planning and running this hackathon! It was such a fantastic experience that showed me another world of combining two things I am interested in. I am now more confident in reading and looking up projects related to health apps because of it. Thanks for also connecting us with a diverse group of professionals, it was fantastic meeting new people from different programs.” – Hackathon participant
Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre Alliance
Our work with VCCC focuses on the development of evidence-informed approaches to preparing cancer consumers to lead, engage and collaborate to advance cancer care across Victoria and beyond
IPEP-HSN (Health Students Network)
The IPEP-HSN aims to promote and develop interprofessional education and practice through curriculum review and development, facilitation of interprofessional education opportunities/events, and connection of health students prior to entrance into the workplace.