Conclusion of placement

After completion of placement, please ensure that the following steps have been completed:

  1. End of placement evaluation form and feedback

    At the completion of placement, students and supervisors should complete the end of placement evaluation form. It is the student's responsibility to arrange for a time for feedback no later than the last day of placement. Students or supervisors may contact the Placement Coordinator or Course Convenor and request the attendance of one of the University staff at the meeting. This evaluation form should be forwarded to the Placement Coordinator, with the supervisor and the student also keeping copies.

    The end-placement student feedback form is available here.

  2. Goals for future placement

    In addition to completion of a final evaluation form, the supervisor and the student are requested to complete a form identifying goals for future placement. These goals will identify the competency areas that are seen as requiring further development. This form must be taken by the student to his/her next placement for the subsequent supervisor to review and sign, and should also be forwarded to the Placement. This particular measure enables some continuity between placements.

    The Future goals form   is available here.

  3. Performance of students

    To determine what merits satisfactory or unsatisfactory performance on placement, you may find the following suggestions to be helpful in evaluating student progress:

    • Consider student’s trainee status. Students are not expected to operate as fully independent clinicians or to possess the skill set of experienced clinicians.
    • Consider students’ skill sets with respect to their stage of training (e.g., 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or final placement).
    • Upon completion of their final placement, consider whether students are “Ready for entry-level clinical employment.” Some competencies may still be developing, as all clinicians continue to develop over time and with appropriate supervision.

    It is expected that students attain a minimum rating of “satisfactory” for each of their placements. If a supervisor has reservations about rating a student’s performance as “satisfactory,” or about rating a final placement student as “Ready for entry level clinical employment,” he or she may contact the Placement Coordinator or Course Convenor for discussion.

In-kind suites

  • PsyBA-approved supervisor master class

    Full day training is required every 5 years to maintain Board-approved supervisor status. The tickets are priced at $440 each, and will be waived for current year clinical supervisors).

  • Neuroanatomy for Neuropsychologists

    Access to recordings from a full-day workshop priced at $350 each, and waived for current year supervisors.

  • Neuropsychological update seminars

    One or two seminars regarding topics of relevance to clinicians, varied from year to year.  The tickets are priced at $60 each, and waived for current supervisors.

  • Honorary clinical University appointments

    Honorary clinical University appointments are available for clinical supervisors. This also includes access to the libraries.

  • Research collaboration

    Co-supervision of M-Psych or PhD project regarding clinical topic(s) of interest are available for interested clinical supervisors.

  • Clinical service delivery

    Clinical service delivery by provisionally registered trainees under supervision will be available.


Need Help?

Dr. Jacqueline Anderson
Course Convenor
Dr Young-Eun (Claire) Lee
Placement Coordinator