Cancer Health Services Research

Analysing real-world costs and results of comprehensive cancer care to inform evidence-based health service interventions and improve outcomes for cancer patients.

Cancer Health Services Research Group at UMCCR

The Cancer Health Services Research unit focuses on health outcomes for cancer patients by integrating multidisciplinary research findings and evidence-based interventions into health services. The unit has a strong research interest in data-science and data-linkage of large medical and administrative registries to be able to monitor the care provided to cancer patients across the care continuum. Clinical outcomes and cost analyses using linked data-sets do inform about the value of our services to patients and help rational decisions about improving our services mainly in hospital settings.

The unit’s world-class expertise in data-driven health services research is specifically applied to understand the value of molecular diagnostics, genomics and new cancer (immuno-) therapies.

Contact and more information

Professor Gang Chen
Melbourne School of Population and Global Health

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