Vina Quinnarva

Doctor of Medicine & Bachelor of Biomedicine

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"Biomedicine is a competitive course, but we also help each other to understand the materials. This good environment shapes my behaviour towards others, to share what I have and compete with others in a good way."

Vina QuinnarvaVina started the Doctor of Medicine in 2021, after completing the Bachelor of Biomedicine in 2020 and Trinity College Foundation Studies in 2017. Her interest in science started from a young age and her parents always encouraged her to pursue her dreams.

"My parents, especially my Dad, always try to push me past my limits. I learned how to be a hardworking woman and realised what amazing things I can do if I try really hard to achieve them."

The possibility of studying at the University of Melbourne took Vina by surprise.

"The first time I went to Melbourne was for a holiday in 2016, and I thought 'this is going to be a good place for me to study'. Afterwards, I looked up 'what is the best university in Melbourne for biomedicine or science' and found the University of Melbourne."

For Vina, the Trinity College Foundation Studies at the University of Melbourne was a wonderful way to get acquainted with the University and Australia.

"Foundation Studies really helped me a lot with learning new skills and getting used to the Australian curriculum. I also met almost all my friends in Foundation Studies."

Within the Bachelor of Biomedicine, Vina enjoys her practical classes the most.

"In practical classes, we are taught to apply our knowledge from lectures, and I find them most interesting because we can actually see how the theories can be applied in the research area.

"Biomedicine is a competitive course, but we also help each other to understand the materials. This good environment shapes my behaviour towards others, to share what I have and compete with others in a good way."

The Melbourne Model allows students to pursue their interests outside of their specialisation and diversify their world view. Through her breadth subjects, Vina had the opportunity to try commerce and rediscover her love for music. She particularly enjoyed the subjects Music and Health (MUSI20150) and World Music Choir (MUSI20143).

"I really enjoyed taking music subjects. In Music and Health, I actually got to learn how music can deeply affect our physical and mental health. As for World Music Choir, I have never been in a choir before, so it was my first time experiencing how it feels to sing in a large group."

Vina considers volunteering for the Teddy Bear Hospital one of the highlights of her time at the University of Melbourne so far.

"I found this event on Facebook and my friends and I decided to try it out. It was really fun. We got to interact with children and raise money for a good cause."

Vina Quinnarva

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Why the Bachelor of Biomedicine?

Bahasa Indonesia:

Sejak kecil, orang tua saya sudah mendukung saya untuk ikut berbagai kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan sains. Dari les matematika saat SD sampai Science Club saat SMA. Saya memang sudah menaruh minat di bidang IPA sejak dini. Sampai kelas 11, dimana saya harus mulai memikirkan masa depan saya, dimana saya mau kuliah, masuk jurusan apa, dalam negeri atau luar negeri, swasta atau negri, dan beribu pertanyaan lain yang harus saya pikirkan. Akhirnya, awal kelas 12, saya memutuskan bahwa saya mau mengambil jurusan kedokteran di Melbourne. Kemudian, mulailah pencarian saya tentang universitas terunggul di Melbourne yang memiliki jurusan kedokteran dan sampailah saya di University of Melbourne. Untuk masuk kedokteran, saya harus menyelesaikan Bachelor terlebih dahulu. Saya bisa memilih dari Bachelor of Arts atau Bachelor or Science atau Bachelor of Biomedicine dan pilihan saya jatuh pada Bachelor of Biomedicine, terutama karena mata kuliah yang dijalankan di Bachelor of Biomedicine disusun dengan baik. Selain itu, Bachelor of Biomedicine juga membuka jalur ke bidang kesehatan, seperti dokter gigi, keperawatan, dokter hewan, research, dll.

Why Trinity College Foundation Studies?

Bahasa Indonesia:

Trinity College Foundation Studies (TCFS) adalah salah satu cara untuk masuk ke University of Melbourne. TCFS sangat membantu saya dalam proses transisi dari SMA nasional ke universitas di luar negri, terutama dalam masalah bahasa. Awal masuk Trinity College Foundation Studies, saya merasa kemampuan saya untuk menulis dalam bahasa Inggris termasuk minim dibandingkan dengan standar SMA di Australia. Di Trinity College Foundation Studies, saya dilatih untuk menulis esai dan juga berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris sehingga seiring berjalannya waktu, kemampuan bahasa Inggris saya berkembang pesat.

Advice for students

Bahasa Indonesia:

Untuk mahasiswa/i yang sedang menempuh studi di Bachelor of Biomedicine, belajar memang penting, tapi jangan lupa untuk menikmati hal lain di dalam hidup ini dan kebiasaan-kebiasaan kecil yang kalian senangi.
Untuk mahasiswa/i yang akan datang, jangan takut untuk mencoba hal-hal baru walaupun itu terkesan sulit. Selain itu, latih diri kalian untuk belajar dengan disiplin karena itu sangat membantu di dunia perkuliahan.

Find out more about the Doctor of Medicine

Find out more about the Bachelor of Biomedicine