Gina Xi

Master of Biomedical Science

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"The Master of Biomedical Science gives you a broader range of choices after graduate, especially for international students. The most appealing part of my master’s degree is certainly the research. The University of Melbourne has the best biomedical research facilities and our research group is just amazing."

Gina Xi

Gina started the Master of Biomedical Science in 2019, after completing her Bachelor of Science in 2018 and Trinity College Foundation Studies in 2015, all at the University of Melbourne.

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Why the Master of Biomedical Science?

The Master of Biomedical Science gives you a broader range of choices after graduate, especially for international students. The most appealing part of my master’s degree is certainly the research. The University of Melbourne has the best biomedical research facilities and our research group is just amazing.

Biomedical research is a very fast-developing and learning new techniques everyday is very cool. We have our own research project and it’s really satisfying to make progress.

Doing research at the University of Melbourne is not only about academic issues but also about all other life-important skills like communication, teamwork, time management, etc. All staff and colleagues at the University of Melbourne are so friendly and supportive. They really make me have that sense of belonging both inside and outside the lab. My supervisor inspires me to explore my potential and broaden my horizons. My colleagues inspire me to keep positive and be confident in the face of difficulties.

My goal was to do a master’s degree to figure out if I like scientific research and see if I’m suitable for it or not. Now I’m on the right track and I think I already have the answer :)

Why the University of Melbourne?

I did the university entrance exam in China, but the result was not as good as I expected. Then a friend of my parents suggested studying in Australia, where both the education and local environment are great.

Of course, the transition to university can be hard for every international student because of the language barrier and the cultural difference. But luckily, I did Trinity College Foundation Studies where I met wonderful teachers, classmates and staff who helped me, so when I got to uni I felt well adapted to the environment here.

The School of Biomedical Sciences offers a subject for bachelor students which involves doing a mini project within a research group. This is where you can have a first taste of what research is like. For master’s students, everyone will have their own research project which will be decided by discussion with supervisors.


我参加了中国的高考,可惜结果并不是很理想。当时有些纠结的时候,我父母的一位朋友建议我们说可以考虑来澳洲留学,这边无论是教育还是环境都很棒。我们觉得这个建议不错,于是查了资料发现墨尔本大学是澳洲最好的学校,墨尔本也是全球最宜居的城市,于是我决定申请墨尔本大学。最开始的过渡期确实是有点困难的,但是我很幸运读了预科。Trinity College的老师和同学都特别热心,不但在语言上帮我们度过适应期,更是在文化层面上带我们了解这边的一切。所以当我开始大一的时候已经觉得很适应了。

墨大在我眼里的 “高光点” 是她的科研。生物医学学院在本科就有一门做一个迷你科研项目的课,可以让本科生体验和感受做科研的乐趣。对研究生学生来说,每个人都会在跟导师讨论后有一个自己的科研课题。在墨大做科研不但能大大提升学术水平,更会学到很多其他令人终身受益的技能,比如交流沟通能力、团队合作能力、时间管理能力等等。这边的所有工作人员和同学同事都非常的友好且会慷慨的给予我们很多帮助,在这里我找到了归属感。

University highlights

When I was a second year uni student I took a practical subject under the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. I found it really interesting and so I chose Biochemistry as my major and later did the third-year practical subject. I really enjoyed the time that I spent in the lab.

I love it when people in the same lab help each other and share great scientific ideas. You can really develop that sense of belonging to a community. My lab mates are all my best friends now.

Gina Xi

Advice for students

First, interest is the greatest teacher. People may say science is boring or research is hard, but as long as you enjoy doing it then all obstacles will be conquered.

Second, university is not where you achieve your life goals, rather, it is where you learn more about yourself and where you figure out what your life goals are. So, it’s totally okay if you feel a bit lost at the beginning. Just keep calm and give yourself a chance to change.

Third, find the balance between study and life and be what you want to be!





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