Day one of placement

Here's a checklist to ensure your student gets off to a good start:

  1. Review 'Learning Plan'

    Review and approve the student’s ‘Learning plan’ (this document will be completed by the student after discussing the project details with you).

  2. Provide induction and orientation

    Conduct an induction and orientation on the first day of the placement covering Occupational Health and Safety information that is relevant to your workplace.

  3. Provide culturally relevant information

    Provide the student with culturally relevant information or raise awareness on cultural matters pertinent to the environment and work, e.g. indigenous peoples, customs and etiquette.

  4. Introduce to team

    Introduce the student to other staff and relevant people.

  5. Outline essential information

    Outline essential information and record keeping practices, e.g. not taking information off-site, not emailing information to private email addresses etc.

  6. Agree on process of notification

    Agree on a process of notification of potential absences (collection of medical certificate if the student is sick) for the student.

  7. Provide copies of relevant policies and procedures

    Given the student copies of relevant policies or procedures, e.g. codes of conduct or work health and safety policies or procedures.

  8. Explain sign-in procedures

    Explain any sign-in procedures, location and use of alarms, fire exits and so on.

  9. Discuss further information

    • The nature of the position and its position in the organisation.
    • Who the student reports to (who is the backup supervisor in case of leave or business travel).

Important Documents:

Please find the Workplace Supervisor Checklist for 2022 here.



Need Help?

Sue Durham
Professional Practice Coordinator
Andrea Boudville
Teaching Specialist MPH - Professional Practice Unit