About Us

At the Melbourne Centre for Behaviour Change, we investigate the individual, social, organizational and environmental factors that regulate behaviour patterns. We study a wide range of behaviour patterns including preventive health behaviour, with current or recent research projects focusing on physical activity, nutrition, weight management, sleep management, smoking, vaping, alcohol use and the management of long-term illnesses including arthritis, asthma, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer and persistent pain. Our comprehensive process models incorporate cognitive, emotional and interpersonal regulation. Combined with our versatile methodological capabilities, they allow us to approach any behaviour change challenge.

The Participation nEXus is a place for community and patients to collaborate with researchers, industry and government for healthcare design, delivery, education and improvement. It is a point of intersection across the University for people working in partnership with patients and healthcare professionals. We work to ensure that experience is at the heart of healthcare system design, delivery, education and transformation. This is achieved through active research partnerships with people who are experts in their health (patients and carers where appropriate), the community (representing professionals, government and non-government agencies committed to patient involvement), and industry bodies. Our goal is for people to be at the heart of medicine and health systems using co-design for health transformation.