Our Services

MCEG offers following four services

  • Consultations

    The ethics case consultation process helps clinicians to ensure that they have carefully and thoroughly considered all moral aspects of cases. In the uncommon situations where clinicians feel they cannot fully achieve what they believe to be the best outcome for a patient, ethics consultations and discussion can assist in alleviating and giving staff tools to address moral distress.

  • De-brief

    A clinical ethics de-brief involves an ethicist leading and facilitating a discussion about a past ethics challenge. The goal is to assist staff to process, reflect on and address moral distress arising from a past experience or to identify and analyse ethical dimensions of the experience.

  • Education and Training

    Assist clinicians, to build capacity and embed clinical ethics expertise within health institutions.

  • Policy Advice

    Consultation based advice to health professional bodies and government, including: advance directives for patients, withdrawal and withholding of life-sustaining medical treatment, COVID-19 related ethical challenges.

To read more download MCEG brochure
MCEG brochure (PDF 1.2 MB)

If you have any question please email us at c.delany@unimelb.edu.au

What do clinicians say?

“I would still be waking up in the night otherwise. This was a really difficult one for me. I found it incredibly helpful to go through the ethics service” - neonatologist.

“It’s a support - you’re not alone making a difficult decision that could blow up... one’s not standing alone.”  - paediatrician

“It was a very therapeutic meeting as a team. The room was full of people involved in the case, everyone was involved in the discussion - they had an opportunity to air their views.” - physician

“It was very clear how to proceed after the meeting. Up until then everyone was giving different unconscious messages.....We all communicated - there was recognition of how difficult it was. When the team comes together it’s very powerful”. - nurse

“The turnout was phenomenal. Sharing of ideas was very helpful” - paediatrician

(de-identified quotes from Clinical Ethics service evaluation interviews conducted at the Royal Children's Hospital.)