The Dean’s Prize for Outstanding Academic Achievement

Study level
Enrolment status
Current student
Study Area
Medical Education
Committee donation
Fund source
Expendable Gift


The Dean’s Prize for Outstanding Academic Achievement recognises outstanding performance of students in the BMedSci program.

The value of each award is AU$ 1,000. One award will be awarded to the medical student with the highest weighted average score across both semesters of the BMedSci program, and one award will be awarded to the dental student with the highest weighted average score across both semesters of the BMedSci program.


$1,000 per recipient

Disclaimer: The benefit amount for this award is approximate. It will be confirmed at the time of awarding and determined by the committee according to the terms of the award.


To be eligible, students must have been enrolled in the Bachelor of Medical Science and have completed MEDS30004: Advanced Medical Science1 and MEDS40006: Advanced Medical Science 2 in concurrent semesters.


For each stream (medical and dental), the student with the highest weighted average score across both semesters of the BMedSci program will be awarded with the Dean’s Prize for Outstanding Academic Achievement.

The selection will be done by the BMedSci program course coordinators, course committee and is chaired by the BMedSci Course Coordinator. In the event there is more than one student within a stream with the same highest weighted average score, the prize will be split equally.


Awarded to the student with the highest weighted average mark across both semesters of the BMedSci program.

Scholarship Management


Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences


Medical School

Department / Centre

Medical Education