Diabetes Discovery - prevalence and outcomes in inpatients with diabetes

Project Details

Along with colleagues, Dr Ekinci established the Diabetes Discovery Initiative at Austin Health. The prevalence of diabetes in patients admitted to hospital is high. The aim of this project is to assess the prevalence of undiagnosed diabetes at Austin Health, and to improve the care of diabetes in hospitalised patients after the introduction of routine HbA1c measurement. As part of routine clinical care, HbA1c is automatically ordered using a computerised information system in all inpatients over the age of 54 who are admitted to Austin Health. A daily automated HbA1c report is obtained by the diabetes registrar for all inpatients who had an HbA1c measured. Patients whose HbA1c is greater than 8.5% are automatically reviewed by the diabetes registrar to optimise their diabetes management. HbA1c results are automatically reported to the patient’s general practitioners on the discharge summary as part of glycaemic status summary.


Takeda Unrestricted Research Grant for the Diabetes Discovery Initiative

Research Publications

Nanayakkara N, Nguyen H, Churilov L, Kong A, Pang N, Hart GK, Owen-Jones E, White J, Ross J, Stevenson V, Bellomo R, Lam Q, Crinis N, Robbins R, Johnson D, Baker ST, Zajac JD, Ekinci E I. Inpatient HbA1c testing: a prospective observational study. BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care 2015; 3(1): e000113.

Bach L A, Ekinci E I, Engler D, Gilfillan C, Hamblin P S, MacIsaac R J, Soldatos G, Steele C, Ward G M, Wyatt S. The high burden of inpatient diabetes mellitus: The Melbourne Public Hospitals Diabetes Inpatient Audit. Med J Aust 2014; 201(6): 334-338.

Ekinci EI, Churilov L, Nanayakkara N, Chiu WL, Sumithran P, Premaratne E, Djukiadmodjo F, Owen-Jones E, Hart GK,  Robbins R,  Hardidge A, Johnson D,  Baker ST,  Zajac JD. Using automated HbA1c testing to detect diabetes mellitus in orthopaedic inpatients and its effect on outcomes. In press. 2016.

Research Group

Faculty Research Themes

Infection and Immunology

School Research Themes


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